Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

We had some neighbors over today for a cookout, and I was a little naughty. We had three completely scrumptious desserts (baked smores, Rice Krispie treats, brownies). I just had to taste a little of each. It was honestly the first time that I've had that much sugar intake. Fortunately (or maybe I should say unfortunately), I wasn't phased by the sugar intake at all!

Up until this point, I have really tried to watch my sugar intake. I still have Splenda in my coffee in the morning, and I very rarely ever have a sweet or dessert. If I'm in the mood, I'll make myself some sugar-free rice pudding or have some fresh fruit for dessert. Today was just overkill (as evidenced by me still being up at 12:15 am - wired from the sugar, I suppose).

I have definitely become more complacent over the last few months. I haven't been packing my lunch at work very much, which has resulted in more eating out, and of course, eating unhealthy foods. I've been blessed that all of this lack of planning hasn't caught up with me too much. I'm still down about 90 pounds from where I started a little over two years ago. If I can get my act together, I'd like to lose another 10 pounds and stay there for the rest of my life.

This whole journey has been so life changing and at the same time mind boggling for me. I cannot even imagine going back to that same embarrassed, unconfident, and shy person that I was before my gastric bypass surgery. It's hard to recall those days, but I can sure remember the feeling of wanting to hide behind everything and everyone.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Still around...

Wow, it's been a really, really long time since I've blogged on here. Guess it's called complacency. When you're comfortable with your weight and not struggling like I did so many times in the past, I suppose you don't really focus on things like weight loss.

It's been more than two years since I had my WLS, and I'm happy to say that I'm still down about 90 pounds. I did put back a few of the initial pounds that I've lost, but I guess that's all due to my lack of focus and with my body just basically figuring out where it's supposed to be. I'm not as active as I'd like to be, but with my busy schedule, I do tend to be up and about a lot.

I would like to focus on being more active - taking walks in the evenings, lifting some light weights, and taking a few laps around our pool. It will be easier now that summer is here and I've graduated from grad school (whoopie!).

I guess that I'd like to acknowledge once again what a wonderful decision it was to have the WLS and change my life. I can't imagine going back to the insecure person that I was before. I am so grateful to have this new lease on life, and promise myself - and my kids - that I won't ever go back!

Until next time, I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors and if WLS is something you are considering, I would highly recommend that you do your research and know the positives and negatives of this wonderful medical tool!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Struggling a bit...

It's been a while since I've blogged on here...a really long while. I am approaching my two-year surgiversary and have been having some issues the last few months:

- eating on the run (too many convenience foods)
- inproper planning of meals
- eating too many carbs
- not getting enough protein
- not drinking enough water
- NO exercise

Seriously, some of these have been problems all along (carbs, not enough water), so I might as well just write them off now and acknowledge that they will be struggles for the rest of my life.

However, some of the other issues seem to be just me falling back into bad habits. I am hoping that with spring coming and the weather getting nicer, I will get outside more and be more active. I feel like I've been a bear hibernating the last few months. I've been grazing all the time and I've even discovered that my body can tolerate small amounts of sugar. Not that I sit around eating three cupcakes at a time, but now I know that I can have a bite of that cupcake...and that is dangerous!

I'm really hoping that by getting back on track with this blogging (putting my thoughts down), that I will be more cognizant of what I'm eating and doing. I need to snap out of this funk, and get back to the basics (protein first, lots and lots of water).

My lowest weight (for just one day) was 169 pounds...and that was about 9 months out after surgery. I've slowly tickered back up to 179 pounds, which still isn't too bad. My initial goal was 160 pounds...and I think I can still do it. Just have to start exercising and drinking the water...and cutting back on the carbs and snacking.

Here's hoping to a new outlook for me this spring! Peace out!