Monday, June 29, 2009

Feeling human again...

After last week's episode with dehydration and then the endoscopy to fix my not-nearly-wide-enough pouch opening, I finally feel like I'm getting there. I literally feel like I have done a 180-degree turnaround. After weeks and weeks of feeling like crap, vomiting, not being able to tolerate much of anything, I am finally able to eat normal food again!!!

Let me tell you some of the wonderful foods that I have been able to partake in over the past three days: a sandwich of wheat toast and Healthy Choice oven roasted turkey; a scrumptuous beef and bean burrito; a homemade dinner of chicken made with salsa/cream cheese/black beans (great recipe, by the way); a delicious grilled cheese sandwich (along with a couple of french fries on the side); Kellogg's Corn Flakes; and the list goes on! Although I can't eat nearly as much as I used to be able to, it is such a delight to eat real food once again! I feel redeemed -- it was all worth it!!

It took me four days to lose that 5 pounds that I put on being in the hospital overnight last week (from dehydration). Wow, I never imagined that an IV could put that much into you in only 12 short hours! But, everything happens for a reason. I know what to expect if something like that ever happens again -- and if there is a next time, I won't wait as long as I did to call my doctor!

The hardest part for me now is to make sure that I get my 70 grams of protein in each day. This is especially important now as I've started to lose some hair. Hair loss is a side effect of weightloss surgery, but I just didn't expect it this early. Most patients don't start losing hair until between 3 and 4 months out -- I'm only 2 months out!!! I think it's intensified with me since I was having so many problems with getting my protein (and anything) in over the last few weeks.

Anyhow, I called my nutritionist today and she said I can take the GNC "Hair, Skin & Nail Formula" vitamins. I picked up two bottles tonight at GNC (they were buy one, get one free -- how nice!). The pill was a little hard to get down because it's larger than I'm supposed to be taking (after weightloss surgery, you are not supposed to eat anything bigger than an M&M). I might see if I can cut one in half tomorrow and see if that works!!!

OK, off to bed now -- long day ahead of me at work (at least a 14-hour work day as we have principal interviews tomorrow -- ugh!!). I'll post later in the week and hopefull things will still be going well!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's been a strange 24 hours...

In my last blog entry, I think I talked about some of the problems that I've been having with keeping food and liquids down.

Well, I just got back from Barix/Langhorne. I had my first (and hopefully only) endoscopy with dilation. I'm 8 weeks out today, and my hole opening to my pouch had strunk down to only 4 mm (should have been 12 mm).

It started a few weeks ago when I'd eat something and occasionally throw up. It progressively got worse until this weekend when I was even having problems keeping water down. I finally called Barix on Monday and Dr. Boe had me come in for chest x-rays on Tuesday. The x-rays did reveal a blockage, and I was scheduled for an endoscopy next Tuesday.

Well, I threw up all night on Monday night (all I drank was a few sips of water) and I feared I was dehydrated. One call to Barix, and they had me come in yesterday for observation and a planned endoscopy. (The staff at Barix/Langhorne is so wonderful --- a huge "shout out" to all of them!).

Anyway, before the endoscopy yesterday, they drew blood and it turns out that my potassium and sodium levels were critically low -- Dr. Boe wouldn't do the endoscopy yesterday because of it. I was severly dehydrated. Seriously, I had no idea it was that bad. I was a little tired and feeling a little cranky, but wasn't lightheaded or dizzy or anything. I guess never having experienced dehydration, you don't know what to look for!!!

So, they admitted me last night and put me on double time on the IV (they poked me 5 times before finding a vein that would work -- that came from the severe dehydration). I slept on and off last night and woke up feeling like a new woman this morning!

Dr. Boe did the endoscopy this morning and I feel much better. Clear liquids for a day or two until everything heals, and then I can gradually reintroduce foods. All in all, this was a huge lesson for me: call your doctor the minute you feel like something's not right. And don't be afraid to speak up if you're feeling like things aren't happening fast enough for you. (I dread thinking how badly dehydrated I would have been if I would have waited until next Tuesday to go in for this endoscopy).

So, hopefully this pothole in my road to success has been fixed. There is a chance that I'd need another endoscopy if the hole shrinks again, but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed (cross your's for me too!).

If you want to see photos of what a stricture looks like (and you have a tough stomach), go to this website. This is another gastric bypass patient who seems to have had it much worse than me:

Take care!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another bump (or pothole) in the road...

OK, so I will be 8 weeks out on Thursday. By now, I should be able to eat many regular foods and have no problems drinking. HOWEVER, I've been having problems the last two weeks which have progressively gotten worse. This weekend was the worst and was my breaking point.

Even though I'm on a Pepcid prescription for acid reflux/heartburn, I started having severe acid reflux whenever I would eat anything. It wasn't that I was eating spicy foods. It was anything. The acid reflux would get so bad most times, that I'd end up throwing up.

Anyway, Sunday into Monday, it became the worst. I started getting acid reflux and vomiting after I'd drink even a few sips of water!!! Ridiculous, I know. I knew something was more than just wrong, so I finally called Barix yesterday.

I had to go in today for some chest x-rays and the barium test. The tests revealed that the opening to my pouch is too small -- the barium wasn't draining out of my pouch as quickly as it should have. Dr. Boe is having me come in next Tuesday for a scope. They will knock me out and then he will put a scope down my throat. If he can't get it through the opening to my pouch, then it has overhealed and that is the problem: the opening is too small and nothing can get down it! If that's the case, he will use a balloon-like device to enlarge the opening.

Officially, it's called a stricture and I've heard that 1 out of 10 gastric bypass patients get this. So, it's not very uncommon. Just very inconvenient and frustrating for me. Many people have to go back more than once to have this done, so I'm not sure that will be the end of it.

I'll say that I'm feeling a bout of depression all over again. I thought I was through the "rough times" and that I'd finally be able to sit down with family and eat a dinner. I guess that will all happen in time. I'll just try to hang in there until then...

Monday, June 15, 2009

6 weeks and counting...

It's been a while since I've blogged. Last week was just a crazy busy week at work and I really had no spare time. My diet really suffered for that. I didn't eat anywhere near what I should have been eating (protein-wise). That is my biggest hurdle right now...making sure I eat enough and enough of the right stuff. Honestly, I could go the entire day without eating anything...and not even realize it. It is a really weird feeling to NOT be hungry. I went so many years where all I did was think about what I was going to eat next. It's very different now.

I had my 6-week check-up last Tuesday. Everything went well. I met with Dr. Boe and the nutritionist. I do have to go in early July for some blood work (I can go to Quest or any local lab for that). They will check everything and send the results to my doctor. They'll be able to tell what kind of vitamins I'm deficient in, how my cholesterol is, etc.

The good news is that I'm down a total of 48 pounds! It's amazing how it just keeps falling off...a lot slower now, but that's a good thing! I can definitely tell in my face and my mid-section. I'm down now 4 sizes! What a great feeling that is!!! I'm also more active now. My family joined the local YMCA and we've gone to the pool now the past two Sundays. I actually got in and swam a few laps refreshing that was. I think even my kids were surprised to see me in the water. They got used to me being an inactive slug for the past few years. It was a great feeling to be in the pool with them!!

I'm looking forward to starting a regular fitness regime...tomorrow night, I'm heading into the Y's fitness center to try some light weights and maybe the elliptical. I also am looking forward to the large indoor track that they have at the Y. I can't wait!

As for my food intake, I'm still having problems finding what I can and cannot eat. I was massively craving a slice of pizza last week, so I tried eating a 1/2 slice. I got really bad acid reflux afterwards and ended up throwing up. This happens more often than not, and I really think that I'm just making poor choices. It's hard when you haven't eaten "real" food in so long (2 months now). It's like you have to learn to eat all over again!! I'm slowly but surely making progress.

Thankfully, my husband is a very patient man...he's put up with me all along the way without any complaints!!! It will all be worth it in the end, I'm sure of that!

Until next time, peace out!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

On the up-swing of the roller coaster...

It's been a pretty good week. I've really not eaten as much as I should have (or tried to compensate with protein shakes). I think for the most part, it was the fear of food getting stuck again and then getting sick. That's a feeling I hope I never have to experience again. Oh, I'm sure that I will, but I will do whatever it takes to try to prevent it.

I've been able to eat a few soft foods this week: a meatball, baked ricotta (great recipe, by the way), oatmeal, chicken and cheese (from the inside of a chicken quesadilla), and mashed potatoes (my staple). Each day, I'm trying to experiment with something new. I'm really being conservative, I know, but I think that's for the best right now.

I go back to Barix on Tuesday morning for my 6-week check-up. They will draw blood and do other tests to make sure that everything is in order. I'm sure that I'll have some kind of vitamin and protein deficiency, but that is something that I will have to work on. I'm supposed to be taking my chewable multi-vitamins twice a day, but I rarely take the evening one. I know that's bad, but it's hard enough remembering to take the one in the morning. It's something I have to work on. There's a lot I have to work on, but I know that this is a work in progress. I can't expect everything to change overnight.

I'm over the depression part of things (I hope). I'm feeling pretty good actually. People are starting to compliment me and tell me how good I like. That's a great feeling. Most importantly, I feel good about myself. I'm really considering joining the YMCA or another local gym and starting an exercise program. I still get on my treadmill (not as much as I should, I know), but I would like to start supplementing with some light weight lifting. It will be hard to fit into my awfully busy schedule, but with summer coming and the kids activities dying down a bit, maybe I can do it. We'll see.

Anyway, we'll see what this weekend brings. So far, so good. Gotta work on that protein, though!