It's been a pretty good week. I've really not eaten as much as I should have (or tried to compensate with protein shakes). I think for the most part, it was the fear of food getting stuck again and then getting sick. That's a feeling I hope I never have to experience again. Oh, I'm sure that I will, but I will do whatever it takes to try to prevent it.
I've been able to eat a few soft foods this week: a meatball, baked ricotta (great recipe, by the way), oatmeal, chicken and cheese (from the inside of a chicken quesadilla), and mashed potatoes (my staple). Each day, I'm trying to experiment with something new. I'm really being conservative, I know, but I think that's for the best right now.
I go back to Barix on Tuesday morning for my 6-week check-up. They will draw blood and do other tests to make sure that everything is in order. I'm sure that I'll have some kind of vitamin and protein deficiency, but that is something that I will have to work on. I'm supposed to be taking my chewable multi-vitamins twice a day, but I rarely take the evening one. I know that's bad, but it's hard enough remembering to take the one in the morning. It's something I have to work on. There's a lot I have to work on, but I know that this is a work in progress. I can't expect everything to change overnight.
I'm over the depression part of things (I hope). I'm feeling pretty good actually. People are starting to compliment me and tell me how good I like. That's a great feeling. Most importantly, I feel good about myself. I'm really considering joining the YMCA or another local gym and starting an exercise program. I still get on my treadmill (not as much as I should, I know), but I would like to start supplementing with some light weight lifting. It will be hard to fit into my awfully busy schedule, but with summer coming and the kids activities dying down a bit, maybe I can do it. We'll see.
Anyway, we'll see what this weekend brings. So far, so good. Gotta work on that protein, though!
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