Friday, May 29, 2009

Living on the taters...

Well, I made it through a week of pureed foods...after my minor setup earlier this week. I basically lived off mashed potatoes because they go down easily and the thought of pureeing my dinner just doesn't sit well with me. Meatloaf of spaghetti through a blender just doesn't sound appetizing. I'd rather continue eating my mashed potatoes and getting additional protein in through my protein bullets.

I am so scared of the pain that I had last weekend and earlier this week. It was awful, and I really don't want to experience that again (if I can help it!).

It's getting very hard thinking about food these days. What I wouldn't give for a slice of sicilian pizza (just one slice, that's all!) or a couple of bites out of a chicken cheesesteak. They are the two foods that I'm craving...salivating over...lusting for!!! Hopefully, eventually, some day, I'll be able to enjoy those again...but the waiting is hard! Very hard.

That said, I'm overjoyed that I'm down 38 pounds. I can see and feel a difference in how my clothes feel and look. A few people at work have complimented me and said I look great! I definitely see a change in my face...I'm not so "puffy" anymore!

Two things I have to work one:

1. Getting my protein in. I'm supposed to be eating 70 grams of protein per day. I can honestly tell you that most days, I'm nowhere even close to that. I'm lucky some days if I get in 30-40 grams of protein. My nutritionist said not to worry about it, especially while I'm still on the pureed phase. I'm just worried that it will increase my hair loss in a few months. From what I understand, the lack of protein is what assists in your hair falling out!

2. Getting enough exercise. Since I went back to work a week after surgery, finding time for myself has become few and far between. I do walk on my treadmill a few times a week, but I really should be walking every day for at least 30 minutes. I know this will help increase my weightloss. I vow to make more of an effort starting this weekend. Seriously, I will.

OK, that's enough for now. I hope you all have a great weekend! Take care and peace out!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Taking a step backwards...

Well, as of tomorrow, I am 4-weeks out from gastric bypass surgery. It's been a fairly normal recovery (at least the surgery part of it). I went back to work after only one week. Not too many problems with that. However, the diet part of things is not going too well.

As of last Friday, Dr. Boe gave me to green light to move onto soft foods. I thought this was a little early, but was drooling for some real food, so I tried.

I've had a few successful meals (refried beans with ground beef, soups, etc.), but this weekend it all started getting bad. I've had four episodes where I've either had to make myself throw up or I've just thrown up. A few times, I think the food was actually stuck and the other times, I think it was severe acid reflux (I had a few small bites of strawberries covered in Splenda and another time had three bites of Wendy's chili).

Anyway, after a call to Dr. Boe and my nutritionist, I am back on pureed foods right now. My nutritionist said that Dr. Boe moves his patients along a little faster than other doctors, and that it would be best for me to go back to pureed foods.

I'm a little disappointed, frustrated, sad, irritable, name the emotion, and I'm feeling it. I thought I was finally moving forward to soft foods...and hopefully back to some normalcy. This just totally sucks --even though I know it's the best thing to do. Gotta allow my body to heal before moving forward. It still sucks, though.

Sorry for complaining, but thanks for allowing me to get it all out! Peace out!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some photos...

More than 25% there...

I'm slightly over 3 weeks post-surgery, and I'm down an incredible 35 pounds already! That's 25% of my weightloss goal! I feel really good about that, but not so good about how I got here!

I'm on soft foods right now, and to be quite honest, I'm having a hard time eating anything. I'm supposed to be eating 6 times/day and getting 64 ounces of fluids/day. I'm nowhere even close either of those. I'm constantly full and have been having issues lately when I do eat something. Sometimes, the food gets "stuck". The opening to my stomach is right now the size of an M&M. I don't know if I'm eating too quickly or not chewing enough. Once the food gets "stuck," anything I eat or drink for hours afterwards just gets "backed up". It's an awful feeling.

Because of this, I'm really scared to eat anything. I know I'm not getting enough protein in. I've been trying to supplement with those protein bullets, but again, I can't drink very much without my new stomach getting full. It's really, really hard.

I'm told that things will get better, and I really hope they do soon! I dream of the day when I can eat normally again...and partake in the picnics, celebrations, and birthday parties. It's rather depressing being left out of all these life celebrations!

On a positive note, I can't say that I've dropped a size, but all of my clothes now fit again...and they're a bit loose. I think before surgery, I was packing myself into clothes that really didn't fit. I probably looked like a cow!!!! It's nice to fit into clothes once again!!! I will continue to try to shrink my clothes in a dryer -- I really want to limit myself from buying new clothes for as long as possible.

I'm heading to a Memorial Day picnic today at my brother and sister-in-law's house. They're making Mexican food. She's going to make some ground beef with some cheese for me. Hopefully, that will go down well! It will be nice to partake in the celebration, but not having any of those yummy margaritas will be hard!!!!

Happy Memorial Day to everyone. Enjoy your celebrations and picnics!!

Until next time, peace out!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

No more Egg Beaters for me...

I had my two-week checkup with Dr. Boe on Friday. Everything went well. I'm down 30 pounds since my pre-admission weigh-in. Of course, most of that is water weight and it's expected considering that I was on the liquid diet for almost four weeks!

I have to's hard remembering to eat. I could go almost an entire day without eating anything. I know it's not healthy, and I'm really NOT trying to do it. It's just that I'm so limited with what I can eat/drink now. My life is just as hectic now as it was before surgery. I was used to being able to just grab a sandwich on the go. Can't do that anymore. I have to actually plan ahead and figure out what I'm going to eat/drink.

Now that I'm on pureed foods, I can have oatmeal, cream of wheat, and any food (for the most part) as long as it's pureed through a blender. Of course, I still have to watch my sugar intake (less than 2 grams) and my fat intake. I'll be on the pureed foods until this Friday, when I'm able to move onto soft foods (ground meats, thicker soups, etc.).

Today, I had my first incident with food not "agreeing" with me. I scrambled some Egg Beaters and added some chopped ham and low-fat cheddar cheese. I was only able to get three bites in, when all of a sudden this sharp pain started in my stomach. It was like heartburn, only 10 times as painful. I couldn't eat anymore. I got up and walked around to try to alleviate the pain. It did subside after about 15 minutes, but it was hell for those 15 minutes. I think it was the ham that I put in the eggs. Although I made sure that it was under 2 grams of sugar, I think the fat content must have been too much. I confirmed it with one of the nurse's at Barix. However, it put such a bad "taste in my mouth" that I'm afraid to eat anything for a while. I think I'll just stick to my liquids tomorrow.

I will say that I think I'm a little depressed. Food was something that I used to (and hopefully still will someday) take pleasure in. I used to look forward to ordering pizza with the family on Friday nights and getting Dairy Queen every once and a while with the kids. Now, I feel like that pleasure has been taken away and replaced with this fear that anything I eat will make me sick.

I know I'm not even three weeks out from surgery, but I expected it to be a little better by now. Maybe today's egg incident put me in this mental state. Maybe the crazy busy weekend is making me feel this way. Either way, I'll head back to the drawing board tomorrow and try my hardest to get some protein in -- the liquid way. Maybe some soup at lunch. I'm just really feeling down right now...and missing all the foods that I used to enjoy. I know it will get better...I just hope it starts soon!

Until next time, peace out! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Things are going well...

OK, so this weekend was a really bad weekend. Had a ton of stuff to do with the kids and family. Mother's Day was the worst. We went to my brother and sister-in-law's house for a Mother's Day cookout. Let me tell you that the smell of those hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill was almost enough to make me crazy. Since I'm still on the liquid diet phase, I cannot eat anything. I get to indulge in sugar-free pudding/jello and soup (the broth only). It's been three weeks now, and it's getting kind of old. I'm definitely looking forward to my two-week checkup on Friday when I will be put on pureed foods (a slight step up).

It's all worth it of yesterday, I was down 27 pounds. No complaints here. My only problem is that I'm still not getting all of the walking and proteins in. I know that this will be an ongoing problem for me with the crazed, busy life I lead. I need to make me a priority (that is the reason why I am in the situation I'm in - I never made ME a priority).

Today was my first full day back at the office. By full, I mean FULL. Nine hours in the office and then another three hours at a school board meeting. I am beat right now. Tomorrow will be better, but then Wednesday night is another repeat of tonight (another nighttime meeting in the office). Once I get through this week, things will be much better, I'm sure.

I feel great. No pain at all on my incisions (there never really was). No problems drinking anything. Like I said, just having problems getting in the protein and walking. I will work on that.

Anyway, off to bed now. I'm sleepy...peace out!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Back to the grind...

Well, I went back to work yesterday for a half-day and again today for a half-day. I went in during the morning, so I was able to come home in the afternoon and relax. It wasn't as bad as I expected. At least I know have the weekend.

I'm doing very well...surprisingly well for only 8 days post-op. I would have thought that I would have had more pain following surgery, but I stopped my pain meds on Monday night and haven't needed anything but a Tylenol only once since.

I go back next Friday for my two-week checkup. I should be given the green-light then to move up to pureed foods...whoopie! At least I can eat applesauce and cream of wheat. Anything that I'll be able to chew or at least feel like I'm eating something instead of just drinking. Including the 10-day pre-op liquid diet that my doctor put me on, it's been three whole weeks since I've actually been able to eat anything...three weeks!!!

As of yesterday morning, I was down 22 pounds since my pre-surgery weight on April 15th (the day of my pre-admission testing). Not bad for three weeks (knowing most of this was water weight).

Anyway, all's well right now...will post more later!! Peace out...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This rainy weather is adding to the depressed state...

Not that I'm depressed or anything. But, we've had rain here in Pennsylvania for a week straight. Right about the time I went in for surgery, it started raining. Is that Mother Nature's way of letting me off the hook so I can heal at home without feeling like I need to be outside doing something? LOL!

Anyway, each day is getting better. I can't wait until I can finally have some food with consistency. I've been on a liquid diet (both pre-surgery and post-surgery) since April 20th. I'm wondering if the muscles inside my mouth are going to know what to do when I can finally chew something again!

I've been walking on my treadmill (since the rain is keeping me locked indoors) for about 10-20 minutes a day. I know it's not a lot, but it's a start. I am really looking forward to when I can head outside for a nice, brisk walk in the beautiful springtime weather.

I'm doing rather well at getting in my fluids in, I think. My tummy gets full very quickly, but I am constantly sipping. One weird phenomenon is when I go to bed at night. When I lay flat in bed, it seems that some of the leftover fluid in my tummy backs out into my esophagus. It doesn't hurt or anything, just feels strange. Almost as if my esophagus is constricting or something.

Anyway, I'm pretty much living off of sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free jello and pudding, chicken broth, decaffeinated tea (peppermint is my new found favorite), and an occasional protein drink. I'm pretty sure I'm getting in my required 64 ounces of liquids, but I know that I'm not getting in the required 70 grams of protein a day. That's something I will work on for the rest of the week.

Speaking of the rest of the week, I am going to try to go back to work for a half-day on Thursday. I've been doing a few hours of work a day on the computer. It keeps me busy since I'm cooped up in the house because of the rainy weather. I also re-organized my pantry today and sorted all of my canned goods. Hopefully, I can get another project done tomorrow before heading back into the grind. I'm not going to rush it, but I'm not in any pain so I figured I'd try to go back for a few hours a day.

Until next time...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feeling human again...

Today was my first day home all by myself. Hubby was at work. Kids were at school. I have to say -- it was nice! I took a 3-hour nap, got a load of wash done, and did 6 minutes on the treadmill (very slow, mind you). It was a rainy, dreary Monday here in Pennsylvania. Just perfect for lounging around and doing nothing.

My incisions don't hurt at all (unless I bend in an odd way). My stomach makes all sorts of weird rumblings throughout the day. Not really hunger pains. Probably just re-adjusting itself to what I drink.

Speaking of drink, I'm on a 2-week liquid diet to allow my stomach to heal. I'm having a really hard time getting my protein in. It's hard enough getting the water in. I bought some of the Special K protein water and I'm going to try that. I've tried adding the no-flavor protein mix into soup, but it ruins the soup. Right now, I don't have much to look forward to with regards to what I eat/drink, so I don't want to spoil everything. I'm going to try another protein shake tonight and hope that I can tolerate that.

I'm hoping to go back to work on Thursday (maybe even Wednesday for a half-day). I really feel good. I know myself too well -- this boredom will slowly eat away at me. I don't want to rush back into the grind, but figure I can do a half-day to start off and then see how it goes!

Until next time...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back in the land of the living...

Well, I came home from the hospital today...two days after gastric bypass surgery. I feel OK - have a low-grade fever probably from the shock to my system. I basically feel run-down. Not too much pain in the incisions (it was done laporoscopically, so I have six small incisions on my abdomen).

I have to walk a lot to prevent the blod clots and to encourage my body to heal. Since I'm not up yet for going outside, I find myself doing a loop inside my house - through the kitchen, living room, and dining room. My son looks at me like I'm crazy. I just chuckle.

I know it's important to get the water and liquids in, but I am not hungry at all. I figure that today was an exception...I know I won't get the full 64 ounces in . Tomorrow, I will try my hardest. It's such a weird feeling NOT being hungry.

As for the surgery itself, I have to give a huge shout-out to the staff at Barix Clinics in Langhorne. The nurses were incredibly wonderful and accommodating. They made me feel right at home.

Here's a brief recap of my surgery for those of you reading this who are scheduled for surgery. Maybe this will help.

Thursday, 4/30

8:15 a.m. - My husband and I arrive at Barix and sign in. I had to wait almost an hour and a half in the waiting room before they came and took me back to pre-op. I will say that was a bit frustrating. Never keep a patient about to have surgery waiting. As if I wasn't nervous already!

9:50 a.m. - Melissa (wonderful nurse in pre-op) preps me for surgery: has me dress in the wonderful robe and hair bonnet, puts in the IV, gives me something to drink to reduce the acid in my tummy, and tells me funny stories to keep me in good spirits. The anesthesia guys come in, I sign some papers, and they put something into my IV. That is all I remember.

Sometime around 1 p.m. - The nurses are trying to wake me up in recovery. I remember them yelling my name and trying to shake my shoulders gently. My body didn't want to come out of the anesthesia, but it finally did.

Sometime later (no idea what time) - I gradually wake up in my room. My hubby is standing there with a nurse or two. They try to get me to do the breathing machine, but I'm still out of it.

Later that afternoon - I am suffering from some pretty severe pain below my breast plate - didn't know if it was gas already or what. Found out later it was my stomach spasming. It was awful. I felt like I was going through labor in childbirth all over again. I cried...and I cried...and I moaned...nothing was helping. I think they got me up to walk and I recall doing a 1/2 lap around the floor. That took so much energy! The pain hurt so bad...none of the medicine was helping.

4:30 p.m. - I remember sitting in the chair in my room (they wouldn't let me back in bed at this point) and crying from the pain. My hubby was standing there, and all I remember is crying for my mother (how silly, I know). It's amazing that at 39 years old, all I wanted was my mother!

5:30 p.m. (or so) - My mom and dad arrived and that made me feel so much better. The pain was still there. I remember walking the floor with them a few times, and then coming back to my room and they let me get back into bed again. I think about 7:30 p.m., I dozed off. Before going to la-la land, I told my hubby and parents that they should leave and go get some dinner!

Somewhere about 8:00 p.m. - One of the nurses came in and gave me a shot of dilaudid in my leg (I think). That was what was in my machine, but it was such a small dose, that every time I hit the button, it didn't really help. I couldn't have morphine or demerol like most patients because both of those made me throw up after my c-sections. Within 20 minutes of getting that shot of dilaudid, the stomach spasms felt a little better and I was able to go to sleep. That was wonderful. I slept like a baby for a few hours.

The nurses woke me through the night every 2-3 hours to check my vitals and to help me walk a few laps. I didn't get much sleep on Thursday was all intermittent.

Friday, 5/1

6:30 a.m. - After doing a few laps, I called my mom and woke her up to tell her I was feeling much better. I knew she'd be worried after all the pain I was in on Thursday night.

For the rest of my stay at Barix, I walked and sipped water, tea, and chicken broth. Like I said, the nurses were incredible! I had a beautiful private room all to myself, so it was so quiet!

I'm off from work this week, so I will get plenty of rest, do lots of walking, and start getting all my fluids in. I'll write more later in the week...