Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day onto the hard stuff!

Wednesday - Day Ten of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

I made it...whew!!! I can't believe I made it through 10 days of this liquid diet. I had visions of a chicken cheesesteak and french fries dancing through my head today at work. Seriously. It was pathetic.

Tomorrow is surgery. I can't believe it's here. It's been a long and short journey all at the same time! I have to be at Barix at 8:15 a.m., so my hubby and I are leaving here about 7:00 a.m. It will probably a long and restless night.

This time tomorrow, I'll be either sleeping or walking around the hospital. I've been told that the nurses get you up about four hours after surgery and get you walking. This helps to prevent blood clots and also helps your body recover from the anesthesia. It will be fun, I'm sure!

Here's a disgusting photo of me last weekend. It will be fun to look back on this later.

(Wow, did I really look THAT bad?)

OK, I'm off to finish packing my last couple of items. I will write again when I'm able...hopefully in a few days!!! Peace out!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nine to go...

Tuesday - Day Nine of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

So, you'd figure that after nine days on this liquid diet, that I would be used to not eating food. I can assure you that is NOT the case. The last couple of days, I have found that food is all I think about. I feel like a ravenous lion anxiously waiting for its next meal.

As I type this, my kids are sitting next to me at the dinner table eating cheeseburgers for dinner. I tried a vegetarian diet last summer, which eventually turned into a no-beef diet. So, I haven't really had any beef in about a year. Let me tell you...those cheeseburgers that they're eating look as heavenly as anything I've ever seen before. I must look so pitiful to them as I watch them eat.

OK, off the food kick and onto some good news! I go my time for surgery today. I have to be at Barix at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday morning. At least it's not too early. It's still an hour away, but not before the cows wake up. I have lots of help from my family and friends while I'm in the hospital. I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful support system.

I'm ready for this...both mentally and physically. A couple of people at work asked me today if I was getting nervous, and I said "no." I really don't feel any trepidation over this. The thing that scares me the most is being able to adjust to the dietary changes that I have in store. I know I'll be able to adjust, but it's like the fear of the unknown. Not knowing what foods my body won't be able to tolerate. Not knowing if I'll experience dumping syndrome. Not knowing if I'll have any complications.

I guess this will be another one of life's lessons. Live and learn.

Until next time...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day eight...made it through, but barely!

Monday - Day Eight of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

First, let me start off with a brief recap of yesterday. I attended a surprise birthday party for my brother and the place was filled with food! Everything I crave...but mostly my mom's pulled pork sandwiches. Oh, it was really (and I mean really) tough. I had thoughts of sneaking a little fork-full while nobody was looking, but I held back the beast within. I suffered through the day on just water...and a protein drink earlier on to help subside the hunger.

Now, onto today. Just a routine day at work. Kept myself busy so that the hunger wouldn't bother me as much. Now that I'm on day eight, I have to admit that the protein shakes are getting old. I mean, really old. To the point that I don't want to bother with them anymore. I know that this is wrong because I know that I'm not getting enough protein in. But, I just don't care anymore. I'm making dinner for my family right now and evil thoughts keep running through my little french fry won't hurt, right?...just a little bite of can't be that bad for me, right???

I know, I know...I have to stay strong. To make it through eight days of this liquid diet and then blow it now would be awful! I'll just suffer through dinner with my sugar-free hot chocolate and try to mix some protein powder in. Blach.

I'm so glad that I won't be hungry right after the surgery because this is killing me!

OK, off to feed my family...and drown my sorrows in my mug of sugar-free hot chocolate.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 7...still surviving!

Sunday - Day Seven of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

OK, so I made it through the banquet last night. I purposely showed up late (hoping to time it so that the dinner part would be over - they were serving roast beef and turkey and I knew that would be hard!). Unfortunately, I got there just as they were serving dessert -- apple pie with vanilla ice creeam. Surprisingly, that wasn't too difficult. I didn't crave the sweets at all. I had no problem making it through the banquet with only chugging my water.

Now, this afternoon will be a real challenge. I have to go to a birthday party where there will be tons of food. My weakness will be my mom's homemade pulled pork with fresh bakery rolls. I don't know if I've told you that I'm a complete carb addict. That will drive me crazy. I'll have to hang out outside for the whole day just to stay away from the smell.

After today, I'll have three more days of work and then surgery! They are three busy days in the office, so I'm sure that time will fly! Before I know it, I'll be lying in that recovery room on the way to a new life.

I'm not really nervous (yet) about the surgery. Just nervous about what life will be like afterwards. What food will I be able to tolerate? Will I experience dumping syndrome? How quickly or slowly will the weight drop? Lots to think about, but let me get through Thursday first!

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Start of day six...have to share!!!

Saturday - Day Six of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

Good morning! I know it's still morning and I haven't really made it through the full day yet, but I just had to share!! I got on the scale this morning when I got up and was blown away. Since starting this liquid diet only five days ago, I've lost a total of...get won't believe it...
10 POUNDS!!!!!

That's 10 pounds in only five days!!! I know most of it is water weight, but I was tickled pink when I saw it! What an incredible way to start my weekened!!!

I'll write more later...especially after tonight's banquet that I have to attend. I'm sure it will be hard, but I've got fuel to light my fire now! Woohoo!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day five...halfway there!

Friday - Day Five of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

Well, I've made it through five days of this liquid diet. I've found that as long as I keep myself busy, I'm fine. I've lost 6-7 pounds so far, so I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

Surprisingly enough, my energy levels are pretty high and I've been sleeping rather well (except for the middle-of-the-night bathroom trips). I've been waking up somewhat cheery (which is not normal for me). I'm usually pretty grumpy in the morning and have a hard time dragging my sorry ass out of bed. Maybe it's getting easier because I have something to look forward to?

I've found that the protein bullets - liquid whey ( are helping me the most. They are fast and convenient. However, I have heard that I might not be able to tolerate them after surgery. They are like drinking coke syrup - very sweet and the real thick consistency. However, they've worked for me during this pre-surgery liquid diet, so I'm grateful. I cannot tolerate the protein powder drinks. I've tried several -- I'd rather not drink anything than drink those. I'm trying very hard to get my 70 grams of protein in each day, but some days I know I fall short.

Now, onto this weekend. This will be very challenging for me. I have a banquet tomorrow night and a birthday party on Sunday. I've made an excuse for the banquet and will be showing up late (conveniently right after everyone is done eating dinner). The birthday party on Sunday will be a little more difficult. There will be tons of food there, and hard to stay away from. I guess I will just have to hang out on the deck all day (and maybe leave a little early).

I'm halfway there and not willing to give in now. It will be worth it in the end. All of my friends on the Barix boards have told me that this pre-surgery liquid diet pays off in the end. It makes it easier for the surgeon to get to your liver (since it will have shrunk over the ten days due to the limited fat intake). Also, I know what to expect now after surgery. Everyone tells me that I won't WANT to eat after surgery and that I'll have to force myself to get the protein in. It's hard to believe, but I guess we'll see!

OK, off to start dinner for my family. I'm going to head out when they sit down to eat. I have some shopping to do, so I'll make the most of my time!

Peace out! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day four...going strong!

Thursday - Day Four of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

Things have gone pretty well today. I've been extremely busy at work. I was running this morning to a few of my school buildings, so that helped to keep my mind off of things.

I've had some stomach grumblings, but nothing too serious that a sugar-free jello or sugar-free pudding can't help subside. I've been drinking all my water (and hitting the ladies room every couple of hours -- including the regular 4:30 a.m. trip in the middle of the night).

I have to say it is still hard being around food. For instance, someone put out meatballs and hot roast beef for sandwiches today at lunchtime. Making dinner tonight for the family was also hard. Just the smell bothers me!

But, I have to say that I think I'm over the psychological addiction to food. Maybe I'm kidding myself, but I don't feel the need to graze on food when I'm stressed or bored. I feel very energetic, which surprises me with the limited liquid diet.

I was very, very tired the first two days - mostly from the caffeine and sugar withdrawal, I'd imagine. The third and fourth days, I've had lots of energy. Surprising. I'm not sure where it's coming from. Maybe my body is applauding the cleansing of all the bad stuff. Maybe?

Anyway, this weekend will surely be difficult as I have a banquet on Saturday and a birthday party on Sunday. Both events, of course, are planned around food. I will have to respectfully excuse myself from being around food, and take plenty of protein drinks and water with me!

One week to this time next week, I'll hopefully be resting in my hospital room (or walking the halls).

Goodnight, all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Working on day three...not bad so far!!!

Wednesday - Day Three of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

Well, hump day is here and I think I may be over that hump! The caffeine and sugar withdrawal hump, I mean!

The headache has subsided and I actually feel pretty good. Not as good as after eating a chicken cheesesteak, mind you, but I'm definitely feeling energetic. I don't know how. A diet of chicken broth, water, sugar-free jello, water, and sugar-free pudding isn't that energizing. I'm trying protein shakes and protein shots here and there, but they're not the greatest!

I went to the grocery store at lunch today for the first time this week. I have to say that it was a little hard around the bread and deli aisles, but I survived! I had to pick up some sugar-free hot chocolate and more sugar-free pudding. They are my treats. Oh, and the sugar-free popsicles are a nice treat at night (as long as my kids don't eat them all!).

I was thinking today about how for the most of my life, food has been the center of pretty much everything I do. I usually start thinking about lunch by 9:15 a.m. Dinner plans usually start right after lunch. Food has always been on my mind. I'm looking forward to being able to live a life where food IS NOT always on my mind. Where food is not always the center of events. Hopefully, the new "me" will adjust to this new lifestyle!

Anyway, I'm just glad that I made it through another day (well, almost) on this liquid diet. Three down, seven to go.

Peace out!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two down...I'm on a roll...

Tuesday - Day Two of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

Two days down on this ten-day liquid diet. That's two days that I will try hard to forget. The headache from caffeine and sugar withdrawal is still there, but I feel a tad better than I did yesterday. That first day was a big blur. I felt horrible all day long and was home in bed early last night.

Today was a busy day at work, so I didn't really think about eating. The sugar-free jello and sugar-free pudding are a nice pick-me-up.

It's absolutely amazing when you can't's then that you realize how much of our lives surround food. Everything from lunch at the office to birthday parties with the family. I know that will be part of this whole process is to learn that food does not have to be the center of everything I do.

Anyway, tomorrow is another day. I'm like a little kid when I drink the protein drinks...I haven't found one that I can tolerate, so I hold my nose or chug it down and then chase it with a glass of water.

I have been drinking all of my water, which is very not like me. It's getting annoying with a trip to the bathroom every single hour at work. Oh well, it's all part of the bigger plan! It will all be worth it in the end.

I am really looking forward to after surgery when I'm able to be up and around, getting my walking in, and just get back to being normal. The weather is starting to turn nicer, so I'm really looking forward to walking with my kids.

Until next time...

Monday, April 20, 2009

One down, nine to go...

Monday - Day One of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

Today was my first day of the 10-day pre-surgery liquid diet. This is required by my doctor to lose a few pounds before surgery and also to help shrink your liver before surgery (since it's done laproscopically, they want your liver smaller to make things easier to move around inside).

I have to say that the hunger part of this liquid diet is OK after the first day. It's the caffeine withdrawal that I'm fighting. I've had a massive headache all day long. My body is used to the cup of coffee in the morning and the Coke at lunch - every day! I really hadn't anticipated this to be a problem. If I would have thought of it, I would have stopped caffeine last week and dealt with it then.

I can't tell you how horrible I feel right now with this headache. I just want to crawl under the covers, close my eyes, and go to sleep. Tylenol has subsided it briefly, but it comes right back.

Anyway, I've tried two protein shakes so far (Matrix Roadside Lemonade and Fuzzy Navel). Can't say I loved them. I couldn't even finish the lemonade one. The consistency made me gag. And the aftertaste is awful!

It's going to be a long 9 days until surgery. I know I'll make it, but I'm sure I'll be a miserable basket case until then!

More to come...stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PATs Today - Got the Green Light!!!

I can't wait to share my good news! I had my PATs (pre-admission testing) today at Barix in Langhorne, PA. I was there from 7:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. They did blood work, chest x-rays, gall bladder ultrasound, pulmonary tests, an EKG, and quizzed me profusely about my medical history.

Everything went well, but I found out my cholesterol is a little high. The doctor put me on a prescription to help bring that down before surgery.

Otherwise, I got the "green" light for surgery on April 30th!! Two weeks from tomorrow, my new life will begin!! Now onto Dr. Boe's 10-day liquid diet starting Monday. Ugh...

My best friend, Lisa, went with me today and we got to try some of the oh-so-yummy protein drinks that Barix offers. Since I will have a month of a liquid diet to look forward to (10 days before surgery and then 14-20 days after surgery), I figured I'd give them a shot. The fuzzy navel and vanilla bean torte protein drinks were actually kind of good. Not that I loved them, but they were tolerable. I bought two big containers of them and look forward to my diet of liquids starting Monday.

All in all (except for the rain and having to go back to work this afternoon), it was a good day. Just another thing to check off my list before surgery. Monday is when the real fun will start!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here goes nothing...

Tomorrow's the big day. I have to be up, dressed, and out the door by 6:30 a.m. to get to Langhorne, PA (about an hour away) for my pre-admission testing. I'm really not too nervous yet, but will be when I turn off this laptop and shut the lights off.

I'm planning to not get any sleep tonight. Is it nervousness? Excitement? Maybe a bit of both. Either way, I'm sure the bags under my eyes will be dark and deep tomorrow morning. Not even an entire bottle of concealer will help those puppies.

I'm quite certain that this will become a reality for me tomorrow. Once all the tests, bloodwork, and ultrasounds are done, I'm hoping that I'll hear those magical words "You're clear for surgery" from the nurse. Fingers crossed, once I hear those words, the countdown will begin.

Not that the next two weeks will be easy, mind you. Waiting for that surgery date of April 30th will be like a living nightmare. First of all, I get to start the lovely 10-day liquid diet on April 20th. Let me tell you how excited I am for that! Not! Ten days of pure liquid enjoyment.

Hey, it will all be worth it in the end, right? I know this is going to be a long, lifelong process of becoming a healthy, normal person again. It took me 20 years to get to this point. I'm sure I'm not going to change overnight. It's about balance, taking my time, and enjoying every step of life along the way! After all, I want to be here for my three wonderful children as they grow up!
I will let you know how my PATs go tomorrow. Until then, peace out! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wednesday reallly is hump day...

This coming Wednesday is literally hump day for me. If I get past Wednesday with flying colors, I'll be cleared for my gastric bypass surgery on April 30th. On Wednesday, I go to Barix for my PATs (pre-admission tests). They'll check my bloodwork, do an EKG, ultrasound, and lots of other tests.

I have been so busy at work that I really haven't thought much about it. But, now as I lay here in bed getting ready for another work week, it hit me that Wednesday is the big day!!!

My best friend is coming with me for support, so I'm very thankful for that!

I'm hoping that everything will work out fine, and I'll get the nod of approval to proceed with my surgery. This whole process has been just about two months long (I had my initial consult on 2/23), so I feel like I've been caught up in a whirlwind of excitement. I'm sort of glad for that, because if I really had the time to stop and think about things, it would just make the process go a lot slower for me!!!

I'll keep you posted and let you know how my PATs go. Until then, have a great week! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Getting Nervous!

OK, the nerves are starting to tremble. My date with PAT (pre-admission testing) is slowly creeping up on me. It's on 4/15 -- only about a week and a half away. The thing that I'm dreading most is the 10-day liquid diet that I will have to go on before surgery.

I've been stocking up on samples of protein supplements since that is what my diet will consist of for those 10 days. I'm so afraid that I will not be able to follow the liquid diet before surgery. I've talked to a lot of people on the Barix message boards and have gotten lots of good tips.

For my PATs, they will do all the necessary bloodwork, take an ultrasound of my gall bladder, and check all of my medical history. They actually have to clear me for surgery, which is scheduled for 4/30. I hope everything goes OK and that there are no issues or problems.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I will be like after surgery -- once the weight starts coming off. Will I like the same foods? What will I look like? I'm hopeful of the thought of being able to wear normal clothes, go out in public and not be ashamed at the way I look, and to walk and carry myself with confidence instead of embarassment. I am counting down the days until my surgery -- both in fear and in hope. Hope of the new life that I will have once the surgery is over!