Monday, April 27, 2009

Day eight...made it through, but barely!

Monday - Day Eight of Pre-Surgery Liquid Diet:

First, let me start off with a brief recap of yesterday. I attended a surprise birthday party for my brother and the place was filled with food! Everything I crave...but mostly my mom's pulled pork sandwiches. Oh, it was really (and I mean really) tough. I had thoughts of sneaking a little fork-full while nobody was looking, but I held back the beast within. I suffered through the day on just water...and a protein drink earlier on to help subside the hunger.

Now, onto today. Just a routine day at work. Kept myself busy so that the hunger wouldn't bother me as much. Now that I'm on day eight, I have to admit that the protein shakes are getting old. I mean, really old. To the point that I don't want to bother with them anymore. I know that this is wrong because I know that I'm not getting enough protein in. But, I just don't care anymore. I'm making dinner for my family right now and evil thoughts keep running through my little french fry won't hurt, right?...just a little bite of can't be that bad for me, right???

I know, I know...I have to stay strong. To make it through eight days of this liquid diet and then blow it now would be awful! I'll just suffer through dinner with my sugar-free hot chocolate and try to mix some protein powder in. Blach.

I'm so glad that I won't be hungry right after the surgery because this is killing me!

OK, off to feed my family...and drown my sorrows in my mug of sugar-free hot chocolate.

Until next time...

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